"Rural women are central to building more resilient global food systems, yet face disproportionate threats from climate stresses and shocks. To help rural women adapt and thrive in the face of climate change and boost food security, service providers must design and deliver financial and non-financial solutions that create value for rural women as well as their businesses. In this working paper, CGAP and Mercy Corps AgriFin share their experience working with service providers to build rural women’s resilience and livelihoods. It provides an overview of 10 opportunities for service providers, investors, and donors to improve rural women’s resilience to climate change, and gives examples of innovative ways in which financial and agricultural service providers are already seizing these opportunities."

This publication was prepared by CGAP in English language. Click here to access its full version.


Source: Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP)

Illustration: CGAP